little-league-playerThis is the eighth review of the sport parent code of conduct that many parents have signed in order for their child to participate in little league baseball.  At Chad Moeller Baseball – we are looking at this document in a deeper reflection with the hope that we can help explain the importance of this conduct code.

The code of conduct includes 17 elements that parents must agree to before signing the document.  Number 13 on the list states:

“13. I will emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit my child over winning.  I will also de-emphasize games and competition in the lower age groups.”

I cannot tell you what my team’s record was when I was eight years old.  I cannot tell you how many games we lost or won during my ten year old soccer season.  I honestly cannot tell you my record during my freshman year playing college baseball.  I obviously wanted to win every time that I stepped on the field, but years later, I cannot recall certain records.

What I did remember: 

  1. One year after every practice I got Reese’s Pieces and a lemon lime Gatorade.
  2. I can still remember that taste of nachos after a baseball game.
  3. I can still go out and teach my daughter how to properly throw a ball because of what I learned when I was eight.
  4. I can teach my daughter how to properly kick a soccer ball because of what I learned when I was seven.
  5. I can still remember walking around with orange slices in my mouth during halftime.

The score of a game at a young age is as important as the parent wants to make it.  A child learns the importance from us.

Skill development and love of a sport should be central.

We do not want to force our child to participate in sports.  AYSO under five has implemented a goal and that is “kids will want to come back the next year.”

Make an environment that is welcoming and hopefully your child will want to continue playing.

Until Next Time,
