I had a coach tell our team that there is a difference between injured and sore. Injured – you can’t play and sore you can play. If you are trying to figure out if you are injured, below are four easy ways to distinguish. 1. Swelling that is limiting your joint...
The baseball dugout is a sacred place and the rules and regulations of a baseball dugout and a baseball team are different but similar to anywhere else in the world. When a player dons the uniform and enters the dugout for practice or a game, different rules apply. ...
It is a feeling inside your gut and chest. It is filled with nerves, excitement, past experiences, future thoughts are all bundled up in a tight knot in our stomach. The feeling can spread throughout our entire body reaching our fingertips and toes. Our mind begins...
One of the greatest compliments a ballplayer can receive is the simple statement “he’s a good teammate.” Often overlooked by people not in the locker room, this simple statement can justify your worth as a ballplayer. I recently asked three high school baseball...
It comes to us when we most need it and it will fill our days and nights with familiar sounds. It will fill the spaces in our lives when we need it most. It will get us through the last couple of months of school. It will get us through the hot, humid months of...
Spring training has arrived and so has the hope for every fan that this is their year. There is something special about baseball and spring training. Spring symbolizes life and rebirth. The flowers start to bloom and the grass starts to yearn for a mow. The days...