Hitting with 2 Strikes Hitting with two strikes is what separates the truly great hitters form the rest of us. Many coaches teach to choke up or widen your stance with two strikes. Both of these techniques can be effective. I tried them both and used them both at...
The art of hitting a baseball can become a lifetime love affair. But at the same time it starts a journey filled with frustration and failure. Hitting is often called the most difficult thing to do in all sports. The challenge of hitting a baseball is what drives so...
Why Practice Baseball Fundamentals To the naked eye, baseball is not all that complex. You “catch the ball,” “throw the ball,” and “hit the ball.” Not all that difficult, until you start to play the game. It is then that you realize you are constantly...
Looking for your Pitch- Most hitters know what pitch they hit best. That being said most hitters know what the holes in their swing are. The question becomes what do you do to maximize your strengths and try to hide our holes? If you don’t know...
Most important- Get the most out of your pitcher on that given day Who is your Pitcher? Strength -What does your pitcher do best? -Don’t ask him to do something that you don’t think he can do. Weakness -When does he struggle?...
From Behind the Dish, Receiving So what is the most important part job of the catcher? In my opinion, the name of the position says it all. CATCHER. Catching the ball from the pitcher is the most important job of the catcher. I can still hear my high school...