Using the Home Plate Angles to Improve your Bunting.

First, second and third base bases are all square.  But home plate is a square with a triangle.  The triangle is where we as a bunter  can find one of our greatest tool for improving our bunting ability. The golden rule of bunting is to not bunt the ball directly back...

The Best pitch for a young ball player to learn? The Changeup

As I’ve stated in earlier posts, the most effective pitch is and always will remain the fastball.  But there comes a time when a young pitcher will want to start to expand his pitching repertoire and experiment with off-speed pitches. My recommendation is to teach the...

What is the best pitch in baseball?

The answer is quite simple and one never needs to overthink this question.  The best pitch is and always will remain is a well located fastball.  It is the first pitch you ever learned.  The first time you picked up a ball and threw it – it was a fastball.  We have...

The Best Pitch to Hit:

What goes through the mind of a hitter during the split second from a pitcher’s release to the pop of the catcher’s glove has to be one of the most misunderstood, complicated, paradoxical, yet simple milliseconds in human history. In an average baseball game in 2010,...

Happy 4th of July Weekend:

On this celebratory weekend where we honor our independence and freedom, it is important to remember our national pastime.  Baseball games will be played this weekend throughout our country.  Players will play with a freedom and independence that symbolizes our great...

Aggressive or Patient at the Plate?

We are all wired differently. Every ballplayer is wired differently that helps them play at their optimal level.  Some need to keep it simple while others need and crave the latest edge. Intrinsically we are either aggressive or patient.  Some of us see what we want...